
3x employee engagement

Denim is helping employers improve performance while retaining talent and ensuring the deskless workforce feels valued, rewarded and heard.

From a business pain-point to a fully-launched product and company, we set out to change how companies engage and retain their employees.

Product Definition
Rapid Prototyping
User Research
Visual Identity
Experience Design
Engineering Strategy
Web Design & Build

The hourly workforce in the US is facing unprecedented labor shortages, resulting in productivity declines among industry workers. This issue has been largely ignored by big tech. That’s where Denim comes in.


25madison and Creature recognized that the best bet to solve this labor crisis was to invest in worker experience. The thesis being that employees that feel valued and can connect their daily activities to their company's performance are more likely to stick around, increase team morale, and deliver quality work. So we set out to help employers be the companies that great workers want to work for. We created the employee incentive application that motivates high performance.

Denim is built on the belief that happy, motivated workers are also good for business. It’s a win-win.

With Denim, employees are rewarded for their hard work with incentives they genuinely value, such as gift cards for places they frequently visit. Employers also save money on employee retention by reducing turnover.

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The experience solution that incentivizes attendance, operations and engagement for your frontline workforce.

Creature set out to create a brand, name, identity, product and go-to-market for this new, early stage company focused on helping companies attract and retain their deskless workforces.

Together, we developed the product and technology that improves communications, increases goal transparency, builds employee culture, and provides recognition.

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what's next.

It's your defining moment to live, grow, evolve, and transcend.