Matt Berberian

Co-Founder, Head of Creature Studio
  • Head of Studio, 25madison
  • Head of Brand & Experience Design, Brighthouse Financial
  • VP Digital Marketing, MetLife
  • Director, Product Management, American Express
  • Director, User Experience Design, Sprint, Virgin Mobile, Boost Mobile 
  • Fairleigh Dickinson University (BA, Film & Digital Video)

I build products & experiences that are easy, useful, and enjoyable. At Creature, that means taking ideas and bringing them to life - building real, user-centered businesses that help people in meaningful ways.


I’m originally from western New Jersey but now call Charlotte, NC home. I like designing and building things - new products, teams, branded experiences, carpentry, electrical, and a custom tree house. When I’m not building, you’ll find me playing mixologist, seeing live music, DJ’ing at swim meets for my 3 kids, or enjoying family and friends.